General Partner
Volkswagen Slovakia vyrobil na Slovensku od roku 1991 viac ako 5 miliónov vozidiel. Je pilierom slovenského exportu a zároveň aj najväčším súkromným zamestnávateľom v krajine. Prácu dáva 12 700 ľuďom. Priemerný hrubý mesačný plat bez manažmentu spoločnosti za rok 2016 je 1804 eur. Medzi mnohým sociálnymi benefi tmi je aj 13. a 14. plat. Volkswagen Slovakia je najväčším prispievateľom do verejných rozpočtov, len minulý rok odviedol na daniach a odvodoch viac ako 217 miliónov eur. Spoločnosť preinvestovala na Slovensku od svojho vzniku už viac ako 4,1 miliardy eur. Vyrába automobily Volkswagen Touareg, Audi Q7, Porsche Cayenne, Volkswagen up!, SEAT Mii a ŠKODA Citigo. Od roku 2013 sa v Bratislave vyrába aj Volkswagen e-up! – prvé čisto elektricky poháňané vozidlo koncernu Volkswagen. Okrem vozidiel produkuje prevodovky, komponenty pre prevodovky, podvozky a motory, ako aj zariadenia používané pri výrobe vozidiel. Viac ako 99 % produkcie smeruje na vývoz do 148 krajín sveta. Najväčšími exportnými trhmi sú krajiny Európskej únie, Čína, USA a Rusko. Okrem závodu v Bratislave má spoločnosť Volkswagen Slovakia ďalšie závody v Stupave, Martine a Košiciach. V Stupave sa produkujú nástroje potrebné pre automobilovú výrobu, v Martine komponenty pre prevodovky a v Košiciach sa pripravujú vozidlá na prepravu do Ruska. Predsedom predstavenstva spoločnosti Volkswagen Slovakia je Ralf Sacht, pôsobiaci na tejto pozícii od začiatku roka 2016. Členom predstavenstva pre finančnú oblasť je Jens Kellerbach a pre personálnu oblasť Eric Reuting.
Main Partner
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, law, transaction and advisory services and risk management. We aim to have a positive impact on businesses and markets, as well as on society as a whole. EY has been present in the Slovak professional service market since 1991. We now have 400 employees, who are based in Bratislava, Žilina and Košice.
Our 261,500 people are the foundation of our success. We assemble the right multi-disciplinary team for your business, drawing on our global network of professionals. Working with you in a collaborative style, we gain a clear understanding of your organization and strive to identify issues before they become problems. You get the people you need, wherever in the world you need them, backed up by leading practices, methodologies and tools.
At EY, we are also working on new technologies, such as blockchain, robotic process automation (RPA) and mobile solutions (applications using QR and RFID), which we would like to show you at our stand during the Newmatec conference.
Main Partner
We exist to enhance people’s lives.
Because we believe that life’s most remarkable moments and experiences
Weren’t meant for a select few, but for all.
We think beyond product and technology to create meaningful experiences.
By challenging the standards of design and workmanship,
Leading a new era of customer care,
And rethinking the future of mobility.
Looking forward,
We believe in a world where mobility will enhance life
And will be defined by people, for people.
With our unyielding can-do spirit,
We will be steadfast in pursuit of this vision,
For we do not seek to satisfy the few,
But to be loved by many.
Skupina Groupe PSA patrí k najvýznamnejším globálnym producentom automobilov. Do koncernu patria populárne značky Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Opel a Vauxhal.
Zároveň je spoločnosť druhým najväčším výrobcom vozidiel v Európe s podielom 20,8 %.
Až 38% produkcie v roku 2012 smerovalo mimo Európu, kde si skupina stále posilňuje postavenie. Vo svete zamestnáva viac ako 200-tisíc ľudí, prevádzky spoločnosti sú v 160 krajinách sveta. V automobilovom závode v Trnave pracuje 4 500 pracovníkov.
Prioritami pre koncern sú spoločensky zodpovedné podnikanie, ochrana životného prostredia a bezpečnosť. Dôraz dáva na vývoj vozidiel s nízkou mierou emisií a minimalizovanie vplyvu na životné prostredie.
Okrem výroby automobilov má skupina aktivity aj vo finančníctve (Banque PSA Finance), v preprave a logistike (Gefco) a vo výrobe vnútorného vybavenia automobilov (Faurecia).
On March 18, 2004, Kia Motors Corporation – a maker of world-class quality vehicles for the young-at-heart- held a signing ceremony with the Slovak Government in Bratislava to officially authorize the construction of its first European automotive plant in Slovakia.
The decision made by Kia Motors Corporation to build its first-ever European facility was based on continued and projected strong sales and market share growth in Europe. The decision was also in alignment with Kia’s plan to be one of the world’s elite carmakers.
Kia Motors Slovakia in numbers
Time schedule of the plant’s construction
Groundbreaking – April 2004
Start of Construction – October 2004
End of Construction – December 2005
Start of Trial Production – Summer 2006
Start of Production – December 2006
around 3,800
Capacity and products
350,000 units a year
3 car models
7 types of engine
Plant Size
site: 166 ha
buildings: 56.8 ha
Investment amount
Euro 1.8 billion
New trends and expectations are reshaping the automotive industry. Inspired by the exciting new challenges associated with this revolution, Faurecia anticipates the future of mobility developing cutting-edge solutions for smart life on board and sustainable mobility. With the help of strategic partnerships with companies, start-ups and academia within an open innovation ecosystem, Faurecia technologies address two key aspects of mobility: the Cockpit of the Future for a safer, more comfortable, and more intuitive experience in the cockpit of the future, and Sustainable Mobility for cleaner and more environmentally-friendly transportation around the world.
As a global leader in automotive technology, Faurecia provides innovative solutions to automotive challenges within its three strategic businesses: Faurecia Seating, Faurecia Interiors and Faurecia Clean Mobility.
Faurecia began its operations in Slovakia in 2004 under the name Faurecia Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o. The first plant was built in Bratislava – Devínska Nová Ves. During the next years, the production plants in Košice, Lozorno, Hlohovec, Trnava and Žilina were successfully opened and a Shared Service Center in Bratislava was established.
Faurecia Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o. is part of the multinational Group Faurecia. In Slovakia, it employs more than 3500 employees with year sales almost 900 mil. EUR and is a leader among the automotive components suppliers.
The name Process Automation Solutions stands for innovative, customized, future-proof automation solutions for the process and production sector. Our company provides flawless, interface-free all-in-one solutions that are designed to ensure smooth and reliable production flows. Customer focus and know-how, coupled with integral strategies and a solution-oriented mindset, constitute the key to the continued success of our customers and their automation projects. Process Automation Solutions has been an active part of the market since 1986, and has since become a leading independent supplier of automation solutions for the chemical, pharmaceutical and automotive industries. From planning to implementation and system start-ups: our status as a professional business partner with ample experience enables us to assist you with any issues related to automation – in fact, our services can even cover the entire life cycle of your plant if you so request. Our operations focus on the design of control and process control systems and their vertical integration into the overall business process. We are an independent ATS subsidiary and part of the division „Services“. By combining the flexibility of a medium-sized company with the capabilities of a large enterprise, we are able to easily meet the needs of both large projects and small automation tasks so you can rest assured knowing your project is in good hands.
Exact Systems has been operating since 2004 and is a leading provider of outsourcing solutions of quality control for the Automotive industry, Consumables, Electronics, Heavy industry and others. Currently, our company is working with over 900 production plants located in 14 countries, delegating work to more than 5500 controllers/operators on a daily basis.
The capital group includes Exact Systems, Automotive Assembly Systems, CRS Group and from 2018 also QLS Automotive. The Group operates in 13 European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal and Spain) and in China. Due to the next M&A prospect, our services will be also available in France.
The Slovak branch was founded in 2006 with headquarters located in Žilina. General Manager in Slovakia and also in Czech Republic is Radovan Meleš. Currently, the company is hiring over 800 operational workers.
Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. (SPP) is a major energy supplier in Slovakia, building directly on 160 years old tradition of the Slovak gas industry. Since 2012, the company has been operating successfully on the electricity market as well. SPP provides reliable supplies of gas, electricity and other energy services to more than 1.3 million customers. Through its subsidiary company SPP CNG, s.r.o., which currently operates 9 public filling stations in Slovakia, SPP supports the development of compressed natural gas (CNG) in transport as an ecological alternative to traditional fuels. Social responsibility activities are implemented through EkoFond, n.f. and the SPP Foundation. Since 2014, SPP owns 100% of the shares of the Slovak Republic, which exercises its shareholder rights through the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.
The brand MATADOR was established in 1905. At that time, the company’s portfolio focused on products made from rubber. The true success story however, began after 1950, when the tyre production plant in Púchov was built. Within the next 50 years we established the position of one of the largest and most innovative tyre producers in the CEE region. The year 2007, was particularly notable as a milestone in the company’s history. The rubber division of the business was divested to the joint-venture partner Continental AG. This was obviously a hard step to take, since we had to leave behind one of the most important and most successful chapters in the company’s history.
Driven by our firmly established values we started to write a new success story. The shareholders started to transform the company from a leading tyre producer to a first class TIER 1 supplier. With the establishment of MATADOR Automotive Vráble in 2005, the business focus shifted towards automotive serial production. A year later, we joined forces with the company AUFEER DESIGN and increased our competencies in the field of design and development.
In just 10 years, we have managed to become the largest family owned Slovak TIER 1 supplier. Nowadays, the MATADOR Group is a well-established CEE automotive supplier located in three countries across Europe. Thanks to our vast portfolio of services as well as our technological capabilities, we have been able to claim a firm position on the market. We believe that by hard work, dedication and innovative thinking we are able to become the first choice for customers worldwide.
Zberné suroviny Žilina a.s. is a trading company active in the recyclable waste market since 1948. Company Zberné suroviny Žilina a.s. purchases secondary raw materials through its 25 branches with 111 collection points in entire territory of Slovakia.
The business activities of our company are focused on the collection, sorting, preprocessing and distribution of recyclable production wastes with our own technology, focusing on
steel scrap (sheets, profiles, rails, turnings, etc.)
nonferrous metals (alluminium, copper, brass, lead, zinc, etc.)
waste paper (newspapers, magazines, cardboard, production waste – trimming, etc.)
glass (white, colored)
plastic waste (HDPE / LDPE foils, PET bottles, PP, etc.)
used accumulators, electric scrap
comprehensive services in waste management
Behind our achievments and successes is long tradition and unique know-how in the field of collecting, purchasing, sorting, proccesing and recycling of recyclable materials.
Our services throughout the whole country in the form of a individual purchase of recyclable materials can be used by everyone – from individuals lo legal entities, to whom we can offer besides individual purchase, a comprehensive waste management tailored to customer needs.
We know that our responsible approach to business contributes to the protection of natural resources and the environment.